Thursday, January 23, 2020

Having a Career in Fashion Design Essay -- Fashion Employment Educatio

Having a Career in Fashion Design The fashion design career, has recently emerged as one of the most popular and competitive among young people. Those who actually succeed in design have a very individualistic personal style and don’t follow trends set by others. Having fashion design as your profession sometimes allows you to meet glamorous people. It can also put you in charge of what is in and out when it comes to clothing through ramp shows and fashion write-ups. Most designers have a great social status, and are accepted by everyone. However, There are many aspects which may or may not help you choose it as your career. Many talented individuals are attracted to careers as designers. Those with little or no education, as well as those who lack perseverance, will find it difficult to establish and maintain a career in fashion design. There were over 16,000 people employed in this field in 2003 and demand will stay strong for designers because of our consumer culture is always wanting new styles and fashions. The employment is expected to grow fast through the year 2010 and some designers will need to be replaced as they retire, leaving more jobs available. Although, these jobs are only available in large cities such as New York or Los Angeles. Fashion designers don’t work on commission so they do earn wages. The pay is great even for beginner designers. Most beginning designers earn as much as twenty-four thousand dollars annually and upper level designers earn as much as one hundred-five thousand dollars annually. The hourly wages for a beginner is twenty dollars and ninety-five cents while more experienced designers earn as much as fifty dollars or more per hour. Fashion designers may have to keep irregular hours to meet deadlines production deadlines for fashion shows. They may have to travel over seas to productions sites or for showings and conferences or even material shopping. Designers under incorporations normally negotiate their benefits and normally receive full benefits of paid vacations, group insurance plans, and sometimes sick days or break days. It all dep ends on your employer. As for those who are self-employed benefits may depend on themselves. If they set up a health plan for them selves the y may only pay a partial amount on their expenses. Although, they will be able to take time off, but it won’t a paid vacation ... ...ando florida. When wanting to become a fashion designer you must also acquire a licence which you may receive from your school as you graduate. â€Å" You should intern at fashion companies during college. You may have to do administrative stuff, but you’ll be around creative and important people.† (Baron, pg. 73) After college, you may still have your internships but, you may want to fully establish your career. Future designers may find jobs through their training facility job placement offices. Experienced designers are able to locate jobs through other people in the industry, personal affiliations, or advertisements in trade journals or newspapers. Direct application to employers remains the most effective. You can also look for jobs online. The fashion design industry is very large and you must work hard to join those whom re part of it. Its not just about the pay or benefits that draw most people to this career. It’s the liberal feeling of creating new things and making creative, new looks. Its about self expression and freedom to share an opinion on what you think is cool. Some like it, and others don’t, because of everything it stands for or what they would have to do.

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