Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Birth Rate Control Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Birth Rate Control Proposal - Research Paper Example Uncontrolled bearing of children has numerous ramifications to the society with the government bearing the heaviest burden. For instance, though the government has spent billions of dollars in poverty elevation and reduction programs, poverty is indeed worsening instead of reducing (Roy, 2013). The Welfare program that the government has been using in supporting the poor and the less fortunate in the society has been abused in that some people have been relying on the program to raise their families. For instance, in 1992 Clinton’s campaign was based on abolishing welfare in the US government and in making the program a second option and not a way of life for many (Roy, 2013). This was followed by the signing of the Welfare Reform bill of 1996 that required those in welfare program to seek jobs or lose their benefits (Roy, 2013). Since then, welfare has increased tremendously in the country with the 2013 study revealing that welfare remitted more than $10 per hour in 33 states , while in the other states, welfare remitted less than $8 per hour. In fact, today, welfare pays much better than the minimum wage in more than 35 states, in America. This suggests some people entitled to welfare benefits have a better life than those working in the field. Another disadvantage of welfare is that the benefits are tax free unlike salaries that are taxed. Therefore, welfare is a huge burden to the taxpayer in the US. On the same note, considering that poverty is on the increase rather than on the decrease; this suggests that even poor people depending on welfare are bearing more children to be supported by the government, a situation that needs to be controlled. Teens are also bearing children due to peer pressure and motivation from the media. For instance, research has revealed that the program Teen Mum aired on MTN has contributed in many teenagers bearing children with the number of birth rates among teens in US being the highest among developed nations, and twice the birth rate of teens in Canada (Chang & Hopper, 2011 & Karen et al (316). There is a need to demulsify the myths held by teens and which are contributing to the high birth rate in   discouraging teens from having children at an early age, and before they have stabilized financially. Another factor that leads to social problems is bearing of children among people who are not mentally fit to bear and bring up children; children from such mothers lack proper care as they grow up (Kauffman, 315). On the other hand, adopting children in the US is an extremely tedious and expensive process that discourages many prospective parents from adopting children (Gilman and Fleivalds, par 5). The result is that there are many children who are suffering psychologically due to lack of a  decent family, a situation that can only be solved by controlling birth rates. This will help in  ensuring  fewer children are born in families with the right capacity to look after them with the right c are and concern. This proposal aims at recommending a program that may limit birth rates in the society

Monday, October 28, 2019

National Food Marketing Report Essay Example for Free

National Food Marketing Report Essay Pakistan is known for spice in the world, as it has brought several sub continental taste from India after independence. National Foods is the leading sub continental recipe masala company of Pakistan with distinct market share as compare to the competitors. National Foods began its journey in 1970 as a Spice company, with a revolutionary product that popularized the concept of having clean, healthy food. National foods’ initiatives were, to make food that is hygienic, reduce time spent in the kitchen by women, foster health and contribute towards personal attractiveness, so that people who use our products would be able to experience a more rewarding life-style. This was long before the phrase ‘Corporate Mission’ had even been invented. However, founder’s philosophy remains unchanged over time. Even if their language – and the notion of only women doing the housework – have become outdated, in this age of rapidly changing lifestyles, fuelled by the rampant development of technology; consumers are compelled to alter their eating habits. National Foods responds to this challenge of developing innovative food products based on convenience and quick preparation in line with modern lifestyles and yet retains traditional values through its diverse collection of food products. In a history that now crosses three decades, National Foods’ success has been influenced by the major events of the day – economic boom, depression, wars, changing consumer lifestyles and technological advancements. Even after three decades the company’s focal point still remains on customer’s needs through product development in line with the changing market trends. COMPANY PHILOSOPHY National Foods must focus on customer’s needs and serve them with quality products at affordable prices at their doorsteps. Our products must be pure and conform to international standards. Our research must continuously produce new adventurous products scientifically tested, hygienically produced in safe and attractive packaging. We must create environment in our offices and factories where talents are groomed and have opportunity to advance in their careers. We must prove to be recognized as good corporate citizens, support good causes-charity and bear fair share of taxes. Reserves must be built, new factories created, sound profits made and fair dividend paid to our stock holders through building a reliable brand. National Foods Ltd. must get itself recognized as leader in Pakistan and abroad. With the help of almighty God, the company can achieve its targets in years to come. VISION STATEMENT The vision of National Foods Ltd. is â€Å"To be a Rs. 50 billion food company by the year 2020 in the convenience food segment by launching products and services in the domestic and international markets that enhance lifestyle and create value for our customers through management excellence at all levels. † BUSINESS PRACTICES NFL believes in conducting its operations with strong ethical and moral standards. NFLs statement of code of conduct business practices aims to provide guidance on carrying out its business related decisions and activities. We wish to achieve excellence in all spheres of our operations for which code of conduct form the basis. Any party entering any form of contract with NFL is bound to comply with the given guidelines. NFLs statement of code of conduct business practices has the following seven guidelines: 1. Unfair Means: Any use of bribery, kickbacks or any form of payment in cash/kind to obtain business related or otherwise gainful benefit for the company is strictly prohibited. Excessive business gifts and entertainment also hold the same meaning and NFL does not approve of such payments. 2. Respect and Integrity: NFL believes in giving respect to individuals. We aim to operate in a manner that discourages discrimination, harassment and/or influence. Discrimination refers to favoritism based on a particular aspect of an individual personality. 3. Conflict of Interest: NFL prohibits actions that are in conflict with the company business interests. This may include but is not limited to providing assistance to the competition or holding ownership interests in a customer, supplier, distributor or competitor and making personal gains at company expense. 4. Confidentiality: NFL believes in confidentiality of information related to company business activities. The company expects employees not to disclose or divulge by any means the confidential and commercially sensitive information except to the authoritative personnel requiring it. 5. Statutory Compliance: NFL believes in providing total support and cooperation to all the governmental and regulatory bodies irrespective of the extent of prevalent enforcement. 6. Financial Integrity: NFL believes in complete compliance with the accepted accounting rules and procedures. This includes but is not limited to Transparency: NFL discourages any illegal activity for the purpose of any benefit to the company or others. All information supplied to the stake holders and/or auditors must be authentic transparent and Disclosure: All transactions must be fully disclosed and must be for the purpose stated for. 7. Health, Safety and Community Responsibility: NFL is fully committed to safety, health and responsibility towards environment and community. All activities of NFL must portray responsibility towards the community and nation as a whole. NFL seeks to employ procedures that are safe, healthy and environment friendly. SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS This year brought a series of challenges and transformation for the Sales Team. As the magnitude of the socio-political upheavals increased in the country, the Sales Team was not only determined to face all the adversities, in the face of the law and order situation, but also introduce valuable changes which would be favorable for the overall growth and development of the company. In spite of the prevailing conditions of strikes, shutter downs and political turmoil, the Sales Team delivered its targets. In certain key categories like recipe and salt, we even over delivered. These categories have a significant impact in volume growth and bottom line as well. The Channel Specific approach implemented is beginning to yield results, where the Sales Team capitalized on the market sales potential in areas of Public Account, Local Modern Trade, International Modern Trade, Food Service Division, Special Category and General Trade. Sales growth in Public Accounts (USC-CSD) has more than doubled this year. In Special Category Management (SCM), sales of salt was at an all time high. The 2013 environment was once again challenging on account of deteriorating law and order situation, high inflation, counterfeits and energy shortages. However, in the wake of such challenges, we delivered 20% sales growth (Volume 15%) with an improvement in trading operating margin and EPS growth thereby demonstrating the value of strong alignment of our people behind our strategic priority to become Rs. 50bn business by 2020. Strong presence in international markets is at the core of our vision statement and in line with our aspiration we established a subsidiary in Dubai NFL DMCC to strengthen our export operations and plan to set up more subsidiaries in Europe and North America soon. The sustained business growth that we have evidenced in National Foods as well as strategic alignment provides framework for accelerated innovation, increased engagement with consumers and enhanced operational and financial capabilities. This will enable us to remain fit to win in more intense environment in future. Pakistan is the part of sub-continent, which is known for the high spicy foods and National Foods is the leading recipe masala of the country. But National Foods faced tough competition from the founder of the recipe masalas in the country that is Shan Foods’ Recipe Masalas. National Foods has different food categories and in each category they faced different competitors. National Foods started their operations with Jam, Jelly, Marmalades and Pickles and became a major competitor to Michelle’s and Ahmed Foods. National Foods are perceived as Pioneer in Ketchups and Sauces by competing with Shezan and now Shangrilla too. Following is the SWOT Analysis and Matrix as per National Food’s Strategy Formulation: Strengths: Cultural Image Developer Largest Food Exporter High Advertising Budget International Recognition. Weakness: High Pricing Strategy Limited Products Conventional Packing Stuck with Tradition Opportunities: High Food Entertainment Fond to International Tastes Multi-Cultural Lifestyle Technological Communication SO Strategy National Foods should introduced International Recipes WO Strategy Associate National Food’s Brands with Interactive Social Media Threats: Increasing Dine-in Hangout Low Priced Masala Brands Ready-to-Eat Food Availability Chef’s TV Demonstrations ST Strategy Sponsored the Cookery Shows on Leading Food TV Channels in Pakistan WT Strategy. Cobranding the National Foods with Leading Fast Food Chains for building association Proposed and Designed by Afnan Khan OLD VERSUS NEW BRAND LOGO OLD LOGO For over 40 years, we’ve been known as the one brand women all over Pakistan count on, but just like people grow and change, we’re growing too. And now it’s time for a change. Every year we’re growing bigger, brighter, more global, and our NFL spirit of adventure – which has been the energy behind every new and innovative product – is now the encouragement behind our new logo. The new Pakistani homemaker is feisty and vibrant and our new image is helping her feel just as we have generations of food lovers feel – completely at home. NEW LOGO At NFL, freshness is what keeps us going. We keep life updated with new recipes, new products, and now we’ve got ourselves a Transformed logo. As with everything we do, we took a careful look at what we had, kept the best of the past, and introduced elements that were exciting, appealing, and yet always true to our soul. We’re still caring, optimistic, and reliable and now we’re livelier than ever before! MARKETING MIX Product Categories National Foods Limited has Fourteen Product Categories: 1. Chinese 2. Desserts 3. Health foods 4. Jams 5. Ketchups 6. Pickles 7. Raj masala National Food’s Recipe Masalas are the high revenue generated product, competing with Shan Foods shoulder by shoulder. National Foods launched Rivaaj Pastes in last decade and received acclaimed response from the market by having a competitive advantage in product line. National Foods’ Chinese Recipes are pressured by the Knorr’s Chinese Recipes and failed to receive estimated targets. National Foods’ Ketchups are the followers in the market despite of being founder in the ketchup industry because of Shangrilla’s Chinese flavored ketchups. National Foods’ another product category of Pickles are the second most sales generated product and successfully beating the competing brands of Ahmed Foods and Shangrilla. National Foods launched Fruitily instant drinks around four years back but failed to receive the customer’s response because of mismanaged distribution and high advertising of competing brand of Tang Fruit Juices. Product Growth as per National Foods Annual Report 2013: Recipe Mix: National Recipes sales grew by 25. 2% further establishing its market leadership. Gross margin improved, thereby further strengthening the financial health of this important category. The National Recipe Princess contest was conducted in fifty colleges across six cities in Pakistan targeting college going female students. The Karachi Special launch was a laser focused activity to cater to Karachi by launching the recipe mixes keeping in mind the Karachi taste palette. Ketchup: The Sauces Category recorded star performance of 39. 6% growth underpinned by highly successful consumer offering of Ketchup and Chat Masala Combo Pack during peak seasonal period of Ramazan. Gross margin also improved significantly in this category. In addition to well-planned and tightly orchestrated advertising and promotional campaign, penetration, availability and visibility provided the brand fuel for growth to register impressive growth. Fruitily: Despite strong competitive environment in this category, Fruitily recorded 5. 6% growth, gained market share with noticeable improvement in Gross margin. As this is new addition to National Foods portfolio, we will continue to invest in this category to accelerate growth for the future. Salt: Sales grew by 26. 5% with Gross margin improving significantly thereby delivering healthy bottom line. This category has significant potential on health platform as it serves the human body’s requirement for Iodine. Pickles: The category grew by 18%, despite stiff competition. However, Gross margin was diluted on account of higher material cost as we did not pass on inflationary pressure to consumers. The manufacturing process has been redesigned to fully exploit the potential of automation and further upgrade the safety standards. Pricing Strategy National Foods launched their brands with penetrating marketing strategies especially for Masala Recipes, Pickles, Jams but found to be involved in skimming strategy for their brand Rivaaj. National Foods’ Masala Recipes are following the same pricing of Shan Recipes Masalas, but after the recent launching of Mehran Recipe Masalas and Nice Recipe Masalas at high priced strategy, National Foods are counted as on the skimming pricing. As National Foods are following the international quality standards with high marketing budgeting, they compel to be on their well settled prices instead of getting down, but to tackle the competition raised by Mehran Recipe Masalas and Nice Recipe Masalas, National Foods introduced Sachet at half price. Distributional Sales Force The National Foods sales team has also made a significant development toward rural penetration and coverage through a dedicated Rural Development Force (RDF). RDF has extended its operations up to 370 uncovered rural settlements and expanded its distribution to more than 4,000 outlets. To improve our distribution operations in Balochistan, they have appointed Muller and Phipps (MP), which is expected to enhance our sales performance in this geography. They have also taken initiatives to deploy IT solutions to maximize the benefit of information management in sales. A new software was implemented across Pakistan with key distributors to capture information on real time basis that will assist NFL to take quick action, provide analysis and assist in decision making. Promotional Activities National Foods is pioneer in developing state of the art promotional ideas in the food industry of Pakistan. Due to extra ordinary creative marketing and advertising campaigns, National Foods is perceived on the priority level as compare to their direct competitor i. e. Shan Foods in recipe masalas. Following are the leading marketing and advertising campaign: Rang Bharti Jao National Recipes celebrated its vivid persona with a two minute TVC, bursting with colors, emotions and sensorial shots of rich home-cooked food. In the background, the majestic voice of Tina Sani singing â€Å"Rang Bharti Jao† added to the surreal delicacy of the video. The â€Å"Rang Bharti Jao† campaign was a great success, as it won over the hearts of consumers due to its emotional appeal, and impressed the jury at the PAS awards. The amazing response led to National Recipe acquiring the Best Campaign Award in the Culinary Category. Karachi Special Launch After National Recipe’s great success, the Marketing Team was set out to cater to Karachi by launching recipe mixes especially made keeping in mind Karachi taste palettes. These recipe mixes have five different variants that are fierier and more flavourful to accommodate and satisfy the bold taste buds of Karachiites. Campaigning for these special recipe mixes was also in full throttle; with a TVC, hoardings and a massive BTL campaign, where the NFL float would go to different apartments and cook for the people there (trial activity). Moreover, Chef Saadat in support of National Foods would go to the float and cook for consumers all across Karachi. All this information was shared on our Facebook page for added hype. The Karachi Special Launch was a great stepping-stone for the brand’s aspirations of having long-term National Recipe loyalists in Karachi. National Ketchup Campaign National Ketchup experienced a huge boost in sales due to creative campaigns that coined the product as 100% tomatoes, making it synonymous with â€Å"real tomatoes†. Consumers highly appreciated the pre-emptive organic link to freshness and made the campaign, which ran on ATL and POS, very effective. The campaign also supported Ramadan season, which provided added exposure. National Recipe Princess Hundreds of college students were given a chance once again by National Foods to showcase their culinary skills. The National Recipe Princess contest was conducted in fifty colleges across six cities in Pakistan, with the aim of searching talented young girls who have a flair for cooking to compete for the title of Recipe Princess. This activation was highly successful as electronic media and digital media (Facebook page) gave it a huge boost. College students could keep track of the competition through photos, maps of the contest route, and group discussions and comments, resulting in colossal exposure of over a million views of the competition nationwide. Celebrity guest judges were also invited to the competitions for added hype and brand publicity creating the ideal recipe for success! National Pickles Campaign The attempt to reinvent the brand image of National Pickles proved to be a great success. The aim was to reposition it as a happening brand with an added zing, along with highlighting the pure, delicious and rich ingredients that make National Pickles the best. From the hummable tune to mouth-watering food shots and sensational ingredient shots, the campaign spoke to audiences of all ages, and increased the number of National Pickles fans in no time. National Ka Pakistan Pakistan’s culinary diversity and vivid culture are its joy and pride. National Foods sent out television’s renowned Chef Saadat on an exciting journey to discover the culinary gems hidden in the country’s nooks and crannies. Being the first ever attempt by a food company to create exciting episodic content that reflects the rich fusion of tradition and taste, this series was an attempt to showcase a safer and softer image of Pakistan along with highlighting Pakistan’s unparalleled love for food. The episodes were aired on 9 channels and were heavily supported by digital media as well. The show attained top ten ratings on news and entertainment channels, making it incredibly popular. National Ka Pakistan also bagged the prestigious Passion for Pakistan Award in the PAS awards 2012, triggering overwhelming success. Taste Of Pakistan National launched ‘Taste of Pakistan’, a unique cookbook that captured Chef Saadat’s journey from ‘National ka Pakistan’, and also celebrated Pakistan’s wonderful cuisine with 50 mouth-watering recipes from all across Pakistan. The response to this book was extremely positive because of the fact that the informative cookbook was not only a source for scrumptious recipes, but also a travel log, which helped consumers discover different regions of Pakistan and their delectable cuisines. Facebook Page Support By creating a presence on Facebook through the brand page, National Foods was able to interact with consumers on a much more consumer-friendly forum. It encouraged engagement as National Foods fans could now be updated about all the latest launches, BTL, contests, recipes, amongst other activities. Likes skyrocketed from a mere 15,000 to 60,000 within only eight months which resulted in an increase in the National Foods fan following, while setting sails to rising success for the brand. One-Minute Recipes In the fast-paced world of today’s times, people are always looking for quick solutions to everything. Taking the growing digital users as a base, National Foods launched the first ever one-minute video recipe cards in Pakistan. These one-minute videos were the quickest way to view a recipe with ease, and therefore, they gained a great deal of popularity, especially among the younger audience. The videos are now available on Google Play for Android cell-phone users too. To date, these videos have been viewed more than 55,000 times and the application software has been downloaded more than 6,000 times, thereby demonstrating its success. NATIONAL FOODS AS LEADING EXPORTER BThe wide range of National Foods products enjoys unparalleled acclaim across the world as we believe in providing nothing but the best. National Foods products are famous globally for their freshness, taste, hygiene and value for money. Providing you the exotic taste of Pakistan, National Foods products are distributed in over 35 countries in 5 continents, through our strategic partners. And with our continuous success, we are rapidly making inroads into new markets worldwide. NATIONAL FOODS IN COMMUNITY Commitment to CSR has been a part of the NFL strategy since its inception. Different initiatives reflecting our values are undertaken to give back to the society that has supported our business throughout the years. At NFL, we believe that CSR starts with providing the highest quality of products and services at the least cost and with the least environmental impact. From this foundation, our CSR aspirations continue to grow, incorporating processes and activities that aim to strengthen society and ensure sustainable social delivery. Sustainability underlines the foundation for NFL’s business endeavors, where we especially engage in strategic social investments, working to empower and uplift communities. The CSR Mission of National Foods is â€Å"Our CSR commitments must reflect all facets of our corporate personality – NFL as a manufacturer, an employer, a consumer in itself and as an industry leader. We uphold these commitments through our values, policies and our practices. †

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Million Dollar Baby Essay examples -- Movie Film Movies Essays

Million Dollar Baby Million Dollar Baby, Clint Eastwood’s latest movie as a director has been getting more and more positive reviews recently and it is even better than Mystic River. At first glance, the film looks like another boxing-movie clichà ©. However, Eastwood has succeeded in creating a compelling and moving story about the intricate world of human relationships, the price of success and the realization of dreams. The movie explores many different subject matters. Million Dollar Baby is about friendship and respect. It is about love and it is about dreams. The main theme of the movie is the boxing career of Maggie Fitzgerald (played by Hilary Swank) - a 30-year old waitress who lives alone and barely gets by. However, she is strongly determined to become a professional boxer and this is why she seeks the help of Frankie Dunn (played by Clint Eastwood), a boxing trainer and an owner of a gym. Initially, Frankie is unwilling to train her because she is female and too old to have any chance of achieving significant accomplishments in professional boxing. However, Frankie’s friend and associate Eddie Dupris (played by Morgan Freeman), really believes in Maggie and lets her train in a corner of the gym. As time passes, Maggie’s persistence and Eddie’s pushiness finally change Frankie’s mind. This is when the true story begins. Maggie’s determination and strong will to fulfill her dream, combined with Frankie’s excellent training skills launch both of them into the professional boxing orbit where the y gloriously win battle after battle. Although the story seems like a big clichà ©, in truth, the world of Million Dollar Baby involves much more than boxing and success. Clint Eastwood treats such subject matters as love, f... ...she is happy. In general, all the actors in the movie make the audience feel what they are feeling and this is essential for the movie as the plot is deeply emotionally charged. As reviewer Sean O’Connell notes in his column at, Million Dollar Baby was expected to be â€Å"a half-baked, rushed-into-awards-season castoff by a respected filmmaker still basking in the glow of his last well-received piece†. Fortuitously, the movie has turned out to be one of the best motion pictures of the year. Once again Clint Eastwood surprises us all with his work as a film director. He gives the audience a chance to consider life from another viewpoint. The movie makes one think about what he or she has achieved in life and Maggie shows us that it is never too late to have a dream fulfilled. After all, this is why we are actually born and live: to fulfill our dreams.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

War from Myceneans to Rome Essay -- essays research papers

WAR FROM MYCENEANS TO ROME The modern day soldier did not arrive at the current level of training methods overnight. Throughout history warfare techniques and strategies have evolved from the earliest primitive battles to the latest technologies. The only way to learn about war is to study the past engagements and lessons learned. There are nine principles of war as follows: Objective, Offensive, Mass, Economy of force, Maneuver, Unity of command, Security, Surprise, and Simplicity. These are the areas of study in order to gain a better understanding of what to do and what to avoid during any engagement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The battles from yesterday differ from those in recent years and today, because the more primitive cultures fought under their leader for food, territory, or the domination of another group. Today’s motives are based more on economic, political, or social reasons regarded as appropriate by a group of individuals instead of the thoughts or intentions of one man.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mainland Greece is the first study of warfare in the selected readings and by 1600 B.C. a civilization emerged from the Hellas culture and the Minoan culture. This group, known as the Myceneans, fought using chariots and armor made of bronze. By the eighth century B.C., the Myceneans art of war consisted of the phalanx. The phalanx was a solid rectangle of infantrymen carrying armor and spears eight deep. When an army approached another army the phalanxes of both sides would come head to head. The soldiers, who were normally citizens not professional soldiers, would find themselves in the midst of blood and sweat pouring out of the bodies surrounding them from the hand to hand combat. The only way of victory was to hold the lines strong and fight until the other side fled. The problems with this type of formation was that there was no overall leadership within the phalanx, no reserve was established to outflank the opposing army, and there was no way to pursue the fleeing enemy, left them capable to heal and fight another day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The technique of phalanx had not changed for some time and the Greek warfare stayed the same due to no major opposition force that used different techniques against Greek system. The phalanx was also used because it was a proven technique that had been tested and used successfully. O... ...diterranean, Hannibal moved to engage the Romans and almost conquered them at Cannae (216 B.C.), where the largest Roman army was surrounded, enveloped, and destroyed. The Romans needed military leadership to outwit Hannibal and found it in Scipio.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Scipio made the maniples stronger than ever and increased the amount of horsemen in the cavalry to solve the problem that the Romans had against Hannibal. By using adapting techniques to envelop and control sea power, Scipio was able to defeat Carthage at the battle of Zama (202 B.C.), and thus the Romans were ready to expand their empire from Spain to Asia Minor and from Britain to Northern Africa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   SOURCES USED Preston, Richard A., Alex Roland, and Sydney F. Wise. Men In Arms: A History of Warfare and its interrelationships With Western Society. (Belmont, California:Wadsworth/ Thomson Learning, 2001). Chap 1-3 Warry, John. Warfare in the Classical World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Weapons, Warriors, and Warfare in the Ancient Civilisations of Greece and Rome. (Norman, Oklahoma:University of Oklahoma Press, 1995). Chap 1-13

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Differentiation Strategy Essay

In this paper work we will talk about Differentiation Strategy. In contrast to the cost leadership strategy, implementation of a differentiation strategy means that value is provided to customers through the unique features and characteristics of a company’s products rather than by the lowest price. Because differentiated products satisfy customers’ unique needs or preferences, companies can charge premium prices for differentiated products. For the company to be able to outperform its competitors and earn above-average returns, the price charged for the differentiated product must exceed the cost of differentiation. In other words, the price charged must exceed total product cost. Because of this, the differentiated product’s premium prices generally exceed the low price of the standard product. Companies that follow a differentiation strategy concentrate or focus on product innovation and developing product features that customers value rather than on maintaining the lowest competitive price (as is the case for the cost leadership strategy). Products can be differentiated in a number of ways so that they stand apart from standardised products: superior quality unusual or unique features more responsive customer service rapid product innovation advanced technological features engineering design additional features an image of prestige or status For example Intel uses speed, innovation, and manufacturing techniques as bases of uniqueness. The company’s focus throughout its primary and secondary value-creating activities is on establishing the importance of quality, accuracy, speed, and responsiveness. The focus is also on understanding and meeting customers’ unique preferences and monitoring the speed, reliability, and quality of activities provided by others that interface with the company’s inbound and outbound logistics. |Differentiating Features That Raise the Performance a User Gets | |To enhance the performance a buyer gets from using its |Meet the buyer’s needs and requirements more completely, | |product/service, a company can incorporate features and |compared to competitors’ offerings. | |attributes that |Give buyers the option to add on or to upgrade later as new | |Provide buyers greater reliability, durability, convenience,|product versions come on the market. | |or ease of use. |Give buyers more flexibility to tailor their own products to| |Make the company’s product/service cleaner, safer, quieter, |the needs of their customers. | |or more maintenance-free than rival brands. |Do a better job of meeting the buyer’s future growth and | |Exceed environmental or regulatory standards. |expansion requirements. | Source: Adapted from Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage, (New York: Free Press, 1985).   However, companies following differentiation strategies cannot completely ignore costs and the need for minimal spending on process-related innovations. A company that successfully implements a differentiation strategy can earn above-average returns even when the five competitive forces are strong. Rivalry with Existing Competitors Achieving customer loyalty means differentiating products in ways that are meaningful to customers. Brand loyalty means that customers will be less sensitive to price increases. As long as the company satisfies the differentiated needs of loyal customers, it may be insulated from price-based competition. Bargaining Power of Buyers (Customers) Through meaningful differentiation, companies develop products that are considered unique. This uniqueness may insulate the company from competitive rivalry and reduce customer sensitivity to price increases (similar to the insulation from rivalry with  existing competitors). By satisfying customer preferences in ways that no competitor can, companies also are able to charge higher prices (because there are no comparable product alternatives). Bargaining Power of Suppliers Because the differentiator charges premium prices, they are somewhat insulated from suppliers’ price increases (as the differentiator can absorb a greater level of cost increases from powerful suppliers through its higher margins). Alternatively, because of lower price sensitivity by customers, differentiators may be able to raise prices to cover increased supplier-related costs. Because of the differentiator’s focus on product quality and responsiveness to customer preferences, suppliers also may be forced to provide differentiators with higher quality materials, components, or services. Potential Entrants The principal barrier to entry is customers’ loyalty to the uniquely differentiated brand. This means that a potential entrant must either overcome (or surpass) the uniqueness of existing products or provide similarly differentiated products at a lower price to increase customer value. Product Substitutes Brand loyalty may effectively insulate differentiated products from substitutes. Without brand loyalty, customers may switch to substitutes that offer similar features at a lower price or to products offering more attractive features at the same price. Like the cost leadership strategy, the differentiation strategy also carries risks.   Customers may decide that the cost of uniqueness is too high. In other words, the price differential between the standardised and differentiated product is too high. Perhaps the company provides a greater level of uniqueness than customers are willing to pay for. The company’s means of differentiation no longer provides value to customers. For instance, what is the value of prestige or exclusivity? And, how long will they last as customers become more  sophisticated? Customer learning may reduce the customer’s perception of the value of the company’s differentiation. Through experience, customers may learn that the extra price paid for a differentiated product no longer has the value that it once did. This loss of value through customer learning or changes in customer perceptions can be illustrated by the experiences of IBM. Initially, the IBM name on a personal computer signalled value to customers; however, clones soon challenged IBM’s pre-eminent position in the PC market. As customers learned that the clone machines offered similar features at lower prices, the value attached to the IBM brand name diminished and IBM’s sales continue to suffer. A fourth risk is concerned with counterfeiting. Increasingly, counterfeit goods (products that attempt to convey differentiated features to customers at significantly reduced prices) are a concern for many companies using the differentiated strategy. In the event of any of the above, differentiators are challenged to increase value to customers. This may mean reducing prices, adding product features without raising prices, or developing new efficiencies in its value chain of primary and secondary activities.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Radioactive Tracer Definition

Radioactive Tracer Definition A radioactive tracer is a radioactive element or compound added to material to monitor the materials distribution as it progresses through a system. The use of a radioactive tracer is called radiolabeling, which is one form of isotopic labeling. Radioactive Tracer Uses Radioactive tracers form the basis of some medical imaging systems, such as PET scans. Radiolabeling is used in research to trace the path of elements in biochemical reactions and cells. Radioisotopes are also used to track the flow of fluids, particularly in the petroleum and natural gas industry. Examples of Radioactive Tracers Usually, the isotopes chosen for use as radioactive tracers have a short half life. Thus, they are produced via nuclear reactions. Examples of commonly used radioactive tracers include tritium, carbon-11, carbon-14, oxygen-15, fluorine-18, phosphorus-32, sulfur-35, technetium-99, iodine-123, and gallium-67. Sources Fowler, J. S.; Wolf, A. P. (1982). The synthesis of carbon-11, fluorine-18 and nitrogen-13 labeled radiotracers for biomedical applications. Nucl. Sci. Ser. Natl Acad. Sci. Natl Res. Council Monogr. 1982.Rennie, M. (1999). An introduction to the use of tracers in nutrition and metabolism. Proc Nutr Soc. 58 (4): 935–44. doi:10.1017/S002966519900124X

Monday, October 21, 2019


Gimpel, Kind and Naive â€Å"I don’t think of myself a fool. On the contrary. But that’s what folks call me.† Gimpel, the main character in â€Å"Gimpel the Fool† written by Isaac Bashevis Singer, narrates the story with precise honesty. Gimpel portrays a foolish man whom throughout his life, those who surround him, ridicule and deceive him. Information obtained by what he says and does, also by what others say about him, determine Gimpel’s character and personality. Gimpel is a static character of a story about a man wiser and kinder than those who deceive and mock him. The seven names given to Gimpel as a child by his classmates include: â€Å"Imbecile, donkey, flax-head, dope, glump, ninny, and fool.† In truth Gimpel contrary to fool, portrays just naivety and goodness. Gimpel’s goodness shows when his classmates, â€Å"Stuffed [his] hands with goat turds† instead â€Å"of the raisins they give when a woman’s lying in,† and he does nothing. Gimpel knows this whole time about the strength he has to slap someone â€Å"he’d see Cracow.† Instead he honors his philosophy by stating, â€Å"Let it pass.† The people of Frampol, the only town Gimpel’s ever known, ridicules and mocks him throughout his adolescence. Gimpel chooses to let everything go without a word being said so that situations do not worsen with comments such as, â€Å"If I ever dared to say ‘Ah, you’re kidding!’ there was trouble. People got angry.† A deceived Gimpel marries Elka, a promiscuous woman who throughout their twenty years of marriage never treats him as a human being. Elka cheats on Gimpel with several men. She gives birth to six children, none of which Gimpel fathered. Nevertheless, Gimpel loves the children with love a biological father can only give. Gimpel knows the truth the whole time, but he still loves Elka blindly. Gimpel’s character of a kind man who strongly believes in God and his guidance shows when he seeks the Rabbi for... Free Essays on GIMPEL, NAIVE AND KIND Free Essays on GIMPEL, NAIVE AND KIND Gimpel, Kind and Naive â€Å"I don’t think of myself a fool. On the contrary. But that’s what folks call me.† Gimpel, the main character in â€Å"Gimpel the Fool† written by Isaac Bashevis Singer, narrates the story with precise honesty. Gimpel portrays a foolish man whom throughout his life, those who surround him, ridicule and deceive him. Information obtained by what he says and does, also by what others say about him, determine Gimpel’s character and personality. Gimpel is a static character of a story about a man wiser and kinder than those who deceive and mock him. The seven names given to Gimpel as a child by his classmates include: â€Å"Imbecile, donkey, flax-head, dope, glump, ninny, and fool.† In truth Gimpel contrary to fool, portrays just naivety and goodness. Gimpel’s goodness shows when his classmates, â€Å"Stuffed [his] hands with goat turds† instead â€Å"of the raisins they give when a woman’s lying in,† and he does nothing. Gimpel knows this whole time about the strength he has to slap someone â€Å"he’d see Cracow.† Instead he honors his philosophy by stating, â€Å"Let it pass.† The people of Frampol, the only town Gimpel’s ever known, ridicules and mocks him throughout his adolescence. Gimpel chooses to let everything go without a word being said so that situations do not worsen with comments such as, â€Å"If I ever dared to say ‘Ah, you’re kidding!’ there was trouble. People got angry.† A deceived Gimpel marries Elka, a promiscuous woman who throughout their twenty years of marriage never treats him as a human being. Elka cheats on Gimpel with several men. She gives birth to six children, none of which Gimpel fathered. Nevertheless, Gimpel loves the children with love a biological father can only give. Gimpel knows the truth the whole time, but he still loves Elka blindly. Gimpel’s character of a kind man who strongly believes in God and his guidance shows when he seeks the Rabbi for...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on The Search Of Identity In “Battle Royal“

Ralph Ellison’s 1948 short story â€Å"Battle Royal† depicts a boy at a proverbial fork in the road with his identity while trying to deal with cut-throat racism. The symbolism in â€Å"Battle Royal† is given in order to show the two choices the Invisible Man has to choose from in order to overcome his oppression. On one hand he can waste his intelligence and join what he has learned to hate and become the very thing that oppresses him from his full potential. On the other, he can use his intelligence to stay true to himself while at the same time overcoming the oppression that makes him different. Ellison uses two distinct symbols in to place the Invisible Man in a decision that will ultimately create his own identity. In the story, Ellison uses an important symbol in the form of a white naked woman who dances for the aristocrats. Through this woman the Invisible Man is faced with a choice to which the decision will ultimately decide his identity. To take one path, the Invisible Man views like his audience the aristocrats, the woman as an object to which he can control and ogle over as he pleases. However through another path he feels like the woman, an object himself. â€Å"I wanted at one and the same time to run from the room, to sink through the floor, or go to her and cover her from my eyes and the eyes of the other with my body; to feel the soft thighs, to caress her and destroy her, to love her and to murder her, to hide from her, and yet to stroke where below the small American flag tattooed upon her belly her thighs formed a capital V† (558). The Invisible Man is crossed over the decision to take the side of his enemies and ogle over her or to accept the fact that she falls on t he same side as him and is nothing but a toy for the spectators. This outlook on other people is a deciding factor on what kind of person the Invisible Man himself will become. If he takes the darker view of the dancer like the aristocrats then... Free Essays on The Search Of Identity In â€Å"Battle Royalâ€Å" Free Essays on The Search Of Identity In â€Å"Battle Royalâ€Å" Ralph Ellison’s 1948 short story â€Å"Battle Royal† depicts a boy at a proverbial fork in the road with his identity while trying to deal with cut-throat racism. The symbolism in â€Å"Battle Royal† is given in order to show the two choices the Invisible Man has to choose from in order to overcome his oppression. On one hand he can waste his intelligence and join what he has learned to hate and become the very thing that oppresses him from his full potential. On the other, he can use his intelligence to stay true to himself while at the same time overcoming the oppression that makes him different. Ellison uses two distinct symbols in to place the Invisible Man in a decision that will ultimately create his own identity. In the story, Ellison uses an important symbol in the form of a white naked woman who dances for the aristocrats. Through this woman the Invisible Man is faced with a choice to which the decision will ultimately decide his identity. To take one path, the Invisible Man views like his audience the aristocrats, the woman as an object to which he can control and ogle over as he pleases. However through another path he feels like the woman, an object himself. â€Å"I wanted at one and the same time to run from the room, to sink through the floor, or go to her and cover her from my eyes and the eyes of the other with my body; to feel the soft thighs, to caress her and destroy her, to love her and to murder her, to hide from her, and yet to stroke where below the small American flag tattooed upon her belly her thighs formed a capital V† (558). The Invisible Man is crossed over the decision to take the side of his enemies and ogle over her or to accept the fact that she falls on t he same side as him and is nothing but a toy for the spectators. This outlook on other people is a deciding factor on what kind of person the Invisible Man himself will become. If he takes the darker view of the dancer like the aristocrats then...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Employee Training & Development and Organizational Benefits Dissertation

Employee Training & Development and Organizational Benefits - Dissertation Example The economy demonstrates immense uncertainties which has made knowledge one the most important and reliable source of sustaining competitive advantage. Today, knowledge has evolved as the basic capital which triggers the process of development. Initially competition was primarily built on the foundation of the possession of specific resources at low costs. However, the trend has now shifted to the possession of knowledge and knowledge management, which forms a basic component determinant of competition between organizations. Today, modern organizations use resources like time, energy, money and information for the permanent advancement and training of their human resources. Organizations extensively involved with the creation of new knowledge, extending it within the entire organization and also implementing it with the new technologies have evolved as producers of quality goods and services (Vemic, 2007, p.1). Training and Development is an important component in the field of human resource management as it is concerned with those organizational activities which are aimed at improving or bettering the performance of employees in the organizational settings. Training primarily encompasses three activities, namely training, education, and finally development. It involves the transfer of skills and knowledge from a working expert to learners in order to improve their current job performance. The concept of development is much wider. It involves a multi faceted frame of activities aimed at bringing someone from his present level to a different threshold of performance. The project aims to bring forth the effectiveness of employee training and development activities in organizations. Firstly, it begins with presenting the aims and objectives for the purpose. This is followed by a literature review of the topic which emphasizes on different aspects of the subject. A primary research is also conducted which brings out the extent to which training and development acti vities help in the benefit of the organization. The results of the research is briefly presented, interpreted and analyzed at the end of the report. The project concludes by presenting the required recommendations on the subject. Research Aims and Objectives The report primarily aims to bring forth the requirement of training and development in organizations in enhancing employee productivity and organization performance. The main objectives of the research are To bring forth the effects of training and development in organization, To analyze the impacts of training in the productivity of employees, To investigate the different training and development practices adopted in organizations To determine the interrelationship between training and development and organization performance, and To analyze the changing trends in the training and development patterns in organizations across industries. Literature Review Employee Training and Development in Organisations Organisations in the U nited Kingdom and their managers have constantly exhibited

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nationlism editorial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nationlism editorial - Essay Example Today's controversies on this topic are an eerie echo of the debate over immigration and assimilation that gripped the nation in the opening years of the 20th century. Henry James, touring New York City in 1906 after nearly a quarter century in Europe, visited Ellis Island - "the first harbour of shelter and stage of patience for the million or so of immigrants knocking at our official door" (cited in Brimelow 33). The scene was overpowering to James. He wrote that it brought home to the observer "the degree in which it is his American fate to share the sanctity of his American mind, the intimacy of his American patriotism, with the inconceivable alien" (ibid.) James himself now felt alien in his native land, as if the newcomers had taken "settled possession" and natives had lost it - "the implication of which, in its turn, is that, to recover confidence and regain lost ground, we, not they, must make the surrender and accept the orientation" (ibid.). What James found troubling, others found bracing. In widely read essays and books, Horace Kallen suggested a model of "cultural pluralism" to replace the idea of the melting pot. Writing in the Nation in 1915, Kallen challenged both the fact and wisdom of the assimilation of immigrants to Anglo-Saxon America.

American politics and parties Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

American politics and parties - Essay Example etermine whether they will further have to narrow down the number of candidates to the expected number or they can keep the selected members till the period close to the time of the primaries. The members select these nominees in relation to popularity among state’s members. Direct Primary Nomination for State and Congress offices takes place before the general election. One nominee is selected from among the selected nominees during the preprimary nominations. The selected nominee becomes the candidate to go for the States or Congress office. In the general elections, these elected congress and state officers, Electoral College, elect the President. The political party with the most seats in States and Congressional offices is able to pass their presidential candidate during the general elections although today it might not be always the case. Delegates are divided among the states by the national parties by apportioning them in relation to the number of voters in each state. The higher the number of votes a state has, the more the number of delegates they select from that state. The most populated cities such as New York is apportioned more delegates than other smaller cities. In my opinion, this is the case because there are more people being represented in one city than the other. Therefore to ensure even representation, the delegates are selected in relation to percentage other than state. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party in the U.S. select their presidential candidates by the process of primary elections. Nomination process starts when voters choose delegates from their states to attend a national party convention to elect their party’s presidential candidate. This is followed by the selected delegates, attending a party’s national convention whereby they select their preferred presidential candidate. The delegates select for a presidential candidate as per the preference or their states. Therefore, the more popular, aspiring

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Strategy and marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Strategy and marketing - Assignment Example The aluminium process is a part of Al Groups portfolio. Al group al puts Powder Coating on aluminium profiles for building industry. The company develops relationships with the stakeholders over a long time with an informal communication. The Group will be expanding both internationally and locally. Price is the basic element for dictating who will get the contract for powder coating and extruding the profiles. The company usually manages to beat its competition yet recommends competition if it thinks that it cannot manage the workload. So by doing this we have won the trust of our customers. Time is another critical factor in delivering the product according to specs in this industry. Quality is the pride of the company and it is the one and only company in Kuwait that has ‘Qualicoat’ status. Suppliers of the company have regular communications with stock room’s managers. Recently the management has also intervened in processing in order to cut down on the waste. ALUMINIUM POWDER COATING LINE In case of aluminium powder coating the steps that were followed included the customer comparing the price with the competition that Al Group faced and then placing an order either to them or to their competition. After the placement of the order the time was to be analysed for the manufacturing process. After this the powder coat was to be applied and then the specs like cutting of the profiles and the final finishing was to be done that includes the cleaning and the quality control check etc. So if the product passed the quality control test it was shipped within a day otherwise it was reworked. Figure 1 Aluminium Powder Coating Process PROCESS AT AL GROUP ALUMINIUM The old...Total employee commitment can be only possibly be attained after the aspect of fear is driven out from the workplace, which is very important in the case of Al. One fundamental TQM part is focus on process thinking. Process thinking is a procedure that takes inputs from the supp liers and then transforms them into the outputs that are then delivered to the customers. An integrated system needs to be installed. Everyone in the company must understand the mission, guiding principles of quality policies, vision of the company and also the critical processes of the organization. Communication is one very important thing that this company should also keep in mind if it wants to maintain its heights of success. A proper, open and clear communication channel promotes in maintain the high morale of the workers and also keeps them motivated and satisfied all the time. It is strongly recommended that every member of the organisation should be committed towards the process of change. It cannot be referred as the new flavour of the month, but instead of this it should be an exciting life changing process (Zimmerman, Steinmann and Schueler, 1996). Too often enthusiasm of people wanes when they understand that the process of change in an organisation is not possible to occur overnight. People should pledge their support in the objective analysis of their job procedures and functions, and seek innovative and new ways to develop them. If necessary, inspirational speakers must be employed to stimulate and motivate the staff to a new attitude of commitment.

Pollution & the Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pollution & the Environment - Essay Example Water may be polluted when pollutants come from point or non-point sources. Non-point sources include those sources that are non-discrete or that do not originate from one discrete source. Non-point pollution arises from the cumulative effect of contaminating agents in little quantities over a large area. When nitrogen compounds found in fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and other agricultural products leach out, it can easily cause pollution. Sheet flow over land used for agriculture may lead to pollution of water as the nutrients that were present in soil runoff in storm water. Point sources of pollution are those sources that come from discrete sources. For example, when a manufacturing company discharges hot water from its cooling system into a river, lake or other water body making the water body to become warm, pollution occurs from a point source. There are a wide range of agents that may cause water pollution. Some of these pollutants include pathogens, chemicals, and physical changes to the natural characteristics of water. While some minerals naturally occur in water, when their concentration in the water goes beyond the natural limit, the water is considered to be contaminated. Also, when substances that cause oxygen to be depleted in water such as man-made chemicals, grass and leaves, water pollution occurs. Pathogens or disease causing organisms such as Salmonella, Giardia lamblia, Burkholderia pseudomallei, and Cryptosporidium parvum may get into the water when waster water or sewage is not adequately treated (Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservatio, 2002). Chemical contaminants of water may include detergents, petroleum hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), products used for disinfection and waste from tree logging operations. Inorganic water pollutants include sulphur dioxide that is

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Strategy and marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Strategy and marketing - Assignment Example The aluminium process is a part of Al Groups portfolio. Al group al puts Powder Coating on aluminium profiles for building industry. The company develops relationships with the stakeholders over a long time with an informal communication. The Group will be expanding both internationally and locally. Price is the basic element for dictating who will get the contract for powder coating and extruding the profiles. The company usually manages to beat its competition yet recommends competition if it thinks that it cannot manage the workload. So by doing this we have won the trust of our customers. Time is another critical factor in delivering the product according to specs in this industry. Quality is the pride of the company and it is the one and only company in Kuwait that has ‘Qualicoat’ status. Suppliers of the company have regular communications with stock room’s managers. Recently the management has also intervened in processing in order to cut down on the waste. ALUMINIUM POWDER COATING LINE In case of aluminium powder coating the steps that were followed included the customer comparing the price with the competition that Al Group faced and then placing an order either to them or to their competition. After the placement of the order the time was to be analysed for the manufacturing process. After this the powder coat was to be applied and then the specs like cutting of the profiles and the final finishing was to be done that includes the cleaning and the quality control check etc. So if the product passed the quality control test it was shipped within a day otherwise it was reworked. Figure 1 Aluminium Powder Coating Process PROCESS AT AL GROUP ALUMINIUM The old...Total employee commitment can be only possibly be attained after the aspect of fear is driven out from the workplace, which is very important in the case of Al. One fundamental TQM part is focus on process thinking. Process thinking is a procedure that takes inputs from the supp liers and then transforms them into the outputs that are then delivered to the customers. An integrated system needs to be installed. Everyone in the company must understand the mission, guiding principles of quality policies, vision of the company and also the critical processes of the organization. Communication is one very important thing that this company should also keep in mind if it wants to maintain its heights of success. A proper, open and clear communication channel promotes in maintain the high morale of the workers and also keeps them motivated and satisfied all the time. It is strongly recommended that every member of the organisation should be committed towards the process of change. It cannot be referred as the new flavour of the month, but instead of this it should be an exciting life changing process (Zimmerman, Steinmann and Schueler, 1996). Too often enthusiasm of people wanes when they understand that the process of change in an organisation is not possible to occur overnight. People should pledge their support in the objective analysis of their job procedures and functions, and seek innovative and new ways to develop them. If necessary, inspirational speakers must be employed to stimulate and motivate the staff to a new attitude of commitment.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Diageo Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Diageo - Coursework Example Finally, a market study of the beverage industry has been prepared that highlights the statistics within the industry today. The companies that are on top of the business have been identified with the help of a graph. The current developments of the company have also been provided as a conclusion to the report. Diageo PLC is a multinational British alcohol company, and one of the biggest alcohol companies in the world. The company was formed in 1997, with the merger of Guinness PLC, its primary parent company, with Grand Metropolitan PLC (GrandMet), a hotel chain with brewing interests ( At that time, it was a large multinational with a share in food as well as drinks industry. Today, however, the company has shed most of its food business and concentrates on alcohol, acquiring new spirit brands. Diageo is a global company, with a presence in over 180 markets around the world. It has manufacturing facilities across the globe including UK, US, Canada, Africa, Australia, India, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Latin America and the Caribbean. Diageo produces and distributes a leading collection of branded premium spirits, beer and wine. ... Diageo is the leading premium spirits business in the world by volume and net sales. As on August 29, 2007, Diageo is the seventh largest publicly quoted company in the UK in terms of market capitalization. Diageo is engaged in a broad range of activities within the beverage alcohol industry. Its operations include producing, distilling, brewing, bottling, packaging, distributing and marketing a range of brands, including some of the world's leading spirits and beer brands. Being a part of the alcohol industry, Diageo is involved in various development programmes that focus on spreading awareness regarding alcohol abuse, drunken driving and misuse of alcohol and conducting workshops to prevent such social evils. Diageo projects an image of itself as a clean, friendly and ethically oriented company with a commitment to corporate social responsibility ( 1. Competitors Diageo's major competitors include Pernod Ricard, Fortune Brands and Brown-Forman, which have several brands that compete directly with Diageo's brands. Over the long term, Diageo's strategy is to continually focus on driving growth and increasing shareholder value. Pernod Ricard - Pernod Ricard is the world's second largest in wines and spirits. This Paris based company was formed as a result of 1975 merger between two French distillers. The company focuses on sustained development founded on organic growth and successive acquisitions. Pernod Ricard's purchase of Seagram in 2001 and Allied Domecq in July 2005 landed the company in the second position it enjoys today. The company adopts a decentralized management structure so as to ensure that decisions are taken closer to its customers. The company's brands include Chivas Regal, Martell,

A governing body Essay Example for Free

A governing body Essay A governing body is eminent in every populace. Although the governing bodies of the United States and Sweden are both administered by Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, the role they play in the politics of their respective countries differs greatly. Both countries are subject to laws set forth by age-old constitutions. There is also variance in the number of representative parties for the population of each country. It is important to look at the age of the country and its influence on the government. The period of time in which countries are founded is very important in showing why certain countries have the institutions that they do. The early Swedish government was formed by aristocrats who nominated a king that used his rule to influence religion. This aspect of Sweden’s political history differs from that of the U. S. , which was founded hundreds of years later to be ruled by representation. U. S. Government The United States is the worlds oldest representative democracy. The government is regulated by a system of checks and balances defined by the Constitution. Citizens are subject to three levels of government: federal, state, and local levels; most areas are subject to multiple local governments, such as county or metropolitan governments in addition to municipal government. The federal government is comprised of three branches, which are designed to check and balance one anothers powers. The Legislative branch is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives, which makes federal law, declares war, approves treaties, and has the power of making decisions regarding the budget and taxation, also known as â€Å"Power of the Purse. † The Executive branch is comprised of the President, who appoints, with Senate approval, the Cabinet and other officers. The Cabinet administers and enforces federal laws. The president is also Commander-in-Chief of the military. The Judicial branch is the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the President with Senate approval. The Judicial branch interprets laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional. The United States Constitution is the supreme legal document that governs the American system. The document is considered a social contract for the people of the United States, regulating their affairs through government chosen by and populated by the people. All laws and procedures of both state and federal governments are subject to review, and any law ruled by the Judicial branch to be in violation of the Constitution can be overturned. The Constitution can be amended by two methods, both of which require the approval of three-fourths of the states. Officials at all three levels are either elected by voters in a secret ballot or appointed by other elected officials. Executive and legislative offices are decided by a plurality vote of citizens in their districts. Judicial and cabinet-level offices are nominated by the Executive branch and approved by the Legislature in the federal government and most states, although some state judges are elected by popular vote. American politics is dominated by the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Members of these two parties hold the majority of elected offices across the country at federal, state, and lower levels. Independent or third party candidates tend to do better in lower-level elections; however, there are currently two independent members of the Senate. Within American political culture, the Republican Party is considered conservative and the Democratic Party is considered liberal. Swedish Politics Information published by Nations Encyclopedia advises Sweden is a constitutional monarchy, of which King Carl XVI Gustaf is currently the head of state, but royal power is limited to official and ceremonial functions. The nations modern legislative body is the Swedish Parliament, also known as Riksdag, with 349 members, which chooses the Prime Minister. The Riksdag holds supreme authority in modern Sweden. The Riksdag is responsible for choosing the Prime Minister, who then appoints the ministers. The legislative power is then shared between the parliament and the Prime Minister-led government. The executive power is exercised by the government, while the Judiciary, unlike that of the United States is independent. Sweden’s judiciary system also lacks the ability to review laws that may be in violation of the constitution. Acts of the parliament and government decrees can be made inapplicable at every level if they are against constitutional laws. Legislation may be initiated by the Cabinet or by members of Parliament. Members are elected on the basis of proportional representation, or full representation versus the plurality voting system used in the U. S. The Constitution of Sweden can be altered by the Riksdag, which requires an absolute majority and two decisions with general elections in between. Since 1932, the Cabinets have been dominated by the Social Democrats. The following political parties currently hold seats in the Riksdag: Social Democrats, Moderates, Centre Party, Liberal People’s Party, Christian Democrats, Left Party, and Greens. There are six other parties, however, they do not currently hold any of the seats of the Riksdag. The six parties are: Swedish Democrats, Feminist Initiative, The Pirate Party, June List, The Health Care Party, and National Democrats. Religious and Cultural Aspects of Government Historicizing the formation of the Swedish government is to review the affects of aristocracy on government and government on religion. In the middle ages, struggle for power between powerful families and Great Men, also known as Stormannen, caused politically unstable situations. Sweden was a kingdom where the king was elected by members of a council of aristocrats; therefore, the throne was not inherited. The presence of powerful Great Men and chiefs meant that the kings influence was often quite limited. His political and fiscal control over the country depended upon support from the aristocracy. During the late Middle Ages political anarchy came about in Sweden. Constant struggle for power between a number of families and the Danish King Kristian II ended in the Bloodbath of Stockholm in the early 1500s. The result of this struggle enabled Gustav Vasa to become king in 1521. The most important reform Gustav Vasa made was the reformation of the Church. â€Å"The king was able to gain political control, as well as control the property of the Church, all Swedes suddenly became Protestants instead of Catholics†(History World, 2007). This made it possible for the king to establish himself, not the Pope, as head of the Church, and also to use the Church as a pedagogic tool on the people according to History World. Because everyone had to attend church on Sundays, the state could reach almost the entire populace with information, propaganda, and a certain amount of education. The Bible was, for instance, translated from Latin to Swedish during this time. This had a positive impact on literacy among the ordinary people. In the United States, the formation of the government was influenced by agenda and innovationists rather than religion or how politics could influence religion. â€Å"Our Founding Fathers were not known to practice Christian orthodoxy†(White House, 2007). Although they supported the free exercise of any religion, they believed there could be dangers in incorporating a religion into the creation of a government to serve all people. Most of them believed in deism and attended Freemasonry lodges. According to John J. Robinson, â€Å"Freemasonry had been a powerful force for religious freedom†(Free Masons, 2007). Freemasons took seriously the principle that men should worship according to their own conscious. Masonry welcomed anyone from any religion or non-religion, as long as they believed in a Supreme Being. Washington, Franklin, Hancock, Hamilton, Lafayette, and many others accepted Freemasonry. According to the Free Masonry Organization, in order to be a Free Mason, one must believe in the existence of a â€Å"Supreme Being,† which includes the â€Å"gods† of Islam, Hinduism, or any other world religion. Although many believe the anti-Biblical and anti-Christian beliefs and practices of this organization are partially hidden beneath an outward appearance of a supposed compatibility with the Christian faith, the organization supports every religion. The influence of a non-uniform Christian society on the U. S. government was probably due to the combinations of cultures and backgrounds of the individuals making up the fairly new society. The compilation of cultures that continues to make up U. S. society varies greatly from those of the Swedish culture at the time their government was developed. Sweden was a very old country; therefore, the majority of the inhabitants had lived there most, if not all, of their lives. The governments of the United States and Sweden both represent their diverse populations through their respective governments. The greatest variance in the way branches operate is in the Judicial system. In the United States, the Judicial System ensures that laws are upheld and amended to meet changing times without going against the Constitution. The Swedish Judicial branch lacks the ability to review laws that may be against their constitution.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Introduction To Psychological Testing Paper

Introduction To Psychological Testing Paper The study of  person and his characteristics is the  most important  tasks  of psychological science.  Development of psychological science is characterized with significant increase in interest to problems of psycho diagnostic.  The aim of modern psycho diagnostic is research of characteristics and differences between individuals and groups in a systematic manner.  The task of such research in the most general form is definition of mental and psychological characteristics of individuals and their intra-individual relationships. Psychological  test is the  basis for  psycho diagnostics  of  people  and  the foundation  of practical  psychology. The aim of this paper is to define the concept of psychological test, describe its major categories, the concepts of reliability and validity, and other fundamental questions associated with psychological testing. The concept  of a psychological test  and its main  characteristics The scope of psycho diagnostic includes a set of various diagnostic methods to identify psychological characteristics of man.  It represents a bridge between general and applied psychology, and in relation to the methods used, it acts as a common ground that unites all areas of their practical application. Practical psycho diagnostics solves some typical problems, which include the following:   1.  To establish certain psychological properties or behavior in a person.   2.  Determine the degree of development of these properties and their expression in specific quantitative and qualitative terms.   3.  Description of diagnostic psychological behavior of a person 4.  Comparison of the degree of development of psychological characteristics in different people. The standardized psycho diagnostic methods, allowing obtaining comparable quantitative and qualitative indicators of the degree of development of the properties in people, are called psychological tests.  Under standardized techniques is meant that they have  strictly  defined  rules  of application,  ranging  from  studying the situation  and ending with  the methods of calculation  and  interpretation  of results. The literature presents a great variety of definitions of psychological tests:   Psychological test is essentially an objective and standardized measurement of a sample of behavior (The American Psychological Association).   Test is a standardized, often time-limited study designed to establish the quantitative (and qualitative) individual psychological differences (The American Psychological Association).   Under test is understood a specific tool for evaluating the psychological qualities of the individual, which consists of set of tasks or questions, offered under standard conditions and is intended to identify particle types of behavior (The American Psychological Association) Objectivity,  validity  and  reliability  are the main requirements  to the test.  It is necessary to consider these concepts and to discuss how they impact the field of psychological testing. Objectivity  of a psychological test  means  that primary  indicators, evaluation  and interpretation  of data do not  depend on  the behavior  and  subjective  judgments  of the experimenter.  Development  of testing tasks, its procedure, processing  of test results  is carried out  according to certain  standard  rules.  To achieve  objectivity,  a psychological test  must follow the next  conditions:   standardization of  procedures of conducting  the test  to allow comparison  of its results;   standardization of test  performance evaluation; Definition of result norms  of the test  for  comparison  them with  results  got from the  processing of test data. These three conditions are referred to as the stages of standardization of psychological tests. During the development of a test certain standardization procedures are carried out, which include three stages:   1.  The first stage of standardization of psychological tests is to establish uniform testing procedures. 2.  The second phase is to establish a uniform evaluation of the test: the standard interpretation of the results and pre-standard evaluation. 3.  The third stage of standardization of psychological tests is to determine the norms of the test.  Norms are necessary in the interpretation of test results (primary parameters), as a benchmark with which to compare testing data.  For example, in tests of intelligence the primary received IQ is correlated with standard IQ (43, 44, 45 points in the test of Raven).  If the IQ received by respondent is above normative, as 60 points, we can talk about of the respondent as high.  If the resulting IQ is lower than the norm, then the level of intelligence is low, if the received IQ is 43, 44 or 45 points, then it is average. (Ford-Martin, 2004) All methods of psychological diagnosis, both standardized and non-standardized, are aimed at measuring personality traits and characteristics of intelligence.  Each method is designed to measure a certain personal characteristic, and information about the extent to which the test actually measures it is known as the concept of validity.   Effective  method of  testing  can be  created, if  it passed  all  the stages of  validation,  when it meets requirements of both general  and  practical validity.  Practical  validity describes  the test  not by  its  psychological  content,  but in terms  of  its  value for achieving  certain  practical  goals  (prediction,  diagnosis). (Messic, 1980) The last important  characteristic of  tests  are their reliability.   Reliability  means  consistency of  test  results  of each  testing attempt with the same subject,  with the  results  of his first  test.  Absolute  reliability of  the test  does not  exist, and errors  are allowed,  but  the higher are  they,  the lower is the  test  reliability. The high  reliability of  the testing method  means  that  it  accurately  measures  the characteristic. These  three basic characteristics of  psychological test  determine  its  use in practical  psychology. Conclusion Psycho diagnostics  is  an area  of psychological science, and  at the same time  the most important  form  of psychological practice,  that is associated  with the development and use  of various  methods  of recognition  of individual  psychological characteristics of people. Psycho diagnostics  is a  set of  methods and tools for  diagnosis  of mental  characteristics of man.  One of such  methods  is  testing.  The use of  psychological  tests  is aimed  to investigate the characteristics  of person, and provide  information  about mental  properties of  a particular  person  (the subject). An effective psychological  test  should  meet requirements such  as objectivity,  validity  and  reliability,  in this case  it  gives  the correct results,  which can  be  interpreted  and applied  in practical  psychology.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Those Winter Sundays :: essays research papers

"Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden is a poem about a how the author is recalling how his father would wake up early on Sundays, a day which is usually a reserved as a day of rest by many, to fix a fire for his family. The mood of this poem is a bit sad. It portrays a father, who deeply cares for his family but doesn't seem to show it by emotions, words, or touching. It also describes a home that isn't very warm in feelings as well as the title" Those Winter Sundays" The author describes the father as being a hard worker, in the line "†¦with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday†¦", but still even on Sundays--the day of rest, the father works at home to make sure the house is warm for his family. The "blueblack cold described in the poem is now warmed by a father's love. This poem describes the author reminiscing what did not seem obvious at the time, the great love of his father, and the author's regretting to thank his father for all that he did. "Sex without Love" is a poem by Sharon Old, who states in the opening line "How do they do it, the ones who make love without love?" It starts out with judging those, who have sex outside of having feeling for one another. It describes the sex in the third line as without feeling more as a techniques, which is describe "beautiful as dancers.. over each other like ice skaters." Sex without love to the author is described more as an act, which is performed instead of two people in love, who sex is in love not because of the act but instead of the love of the person. The author seems to climax in the literal sense at line nine : come to the Come to the †¦ then God comes in picture after the act is done. Judgment and sin is the mood of this poem of how two people can commit an act of a heart and soul without disappointed God. "Schizophrenia", the poem by Jim Stevens is a poem that begins the opening with "It was the house that suffered most" . Most how think about how difficult it would be for the member of a family dealing with a family member, who has the condition of Schizophrenia.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation :: Author Writer O Henry

In the short stories "The Social Triangle" and "A Retrieved Reformation", O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The time period in which O. Henry's finest works created, occurred in the late 1800's to the early 1900's where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled "A Retrieved Reformation" written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"as it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the short stories "The Social Triangle" and "A Retrieved Reformation", O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. "The Social Triangle" one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikey's wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. "Ikey threw is week's wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar." With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. Van Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. "To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as "...the greatest man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Ikey is described by Henry when he says that Ikey is, ". The Social Triangle and A Retrieved Reformation :: Author Writer O Henry In the short stories "The Social Triangle" and "A Retrieved Reformation", O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The time period in which O. Henry's finest works created, occurred in the late 1800's to the early 1900's where he dazzled readers with his unorthodox, romantic style. A short story titled "A Retrieved Reformation" written by O. Henry, who sold it to George Tyler who later turned the work into a Broadway show. "Alias Jimmy Valentine"as it came to be called dazzled America, England, France, and Spain for over a decade. In the short stories "The Social Triangle" and "A Retrieved Reformation", O. Henry uses the literary devices of symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. "The Social Triangle" one of the great works by O. Henry, uses symbolism, plot twists, and characterization. The triangle includes a poor hard-working, lower-class man named Ikey Snigglefritz who uses his whole weeks pay to setup drinks for a middle-class man named Billy McMahon. Ikey's wife and her three sisters become outraged at his actions. Despite their animosity toward him, he gladly gave up his pay to spend it on someone whom he admires and the way he spent his wages is a symbol of achievement. "Ikey threw is week's wages in a crumbled roll upon the bar." With only slight hesitation, Ikey made a friendly gesture to a man of a higher class who will probably never know how hard it he worked to get that money. Both Ikey and Billy got their jollies by shaking the hand of someone from a social class above them. Van Duyskink got his jollies by shaking the hand of the impoverish Ikey Snigglefritz which happens to classify as a plot twist. "To solve the improbable triangle, Van Duyskink...impulsively leaves his car to grasp the hand of Ikey Snigglefritz. The plot appears to be twisted because nobody expects Van Duyskink to be happy to shake the hand of a poor man due to the fact that he is a millionaire. O. Henry developed Ikey and Billy through the story by using characterization. Henry describes Billy McMahon as "...the greatest man, the most wonderful man...flushed and triumphant and mighty. Henry goes on to represent just how important and wonderful this man is. Ikey is described by Henry when he says that Ikey is, ".

Friday, October 11, 2019

Better Business Bureau

The Better Business Bureau (BBB), founded in 1912, is a nonprofit organization focused on advancing marketplace trust, consisting of 113 independently incorporated local BBB organizations in the United States and Canada, coordinated under the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) in Washington, D.C.The BBB collects and provides free business reliability reviews on more than 4 million businesses to over 100 million requests from consumers in 2012, helping make the BBB's website rank among the top 500 most-visited websites in the United States. The BBB serves as an intermediary between consumers and businesses, handling nearly 1 million consumer disputes against businesses in 2012. The BBB also alerts the public to scams, reviews advertising, and assists when donating to charity.â€Å"Medical quackery and the promotions of nostrums and worthless drugs were among the most prominent abuses which led to the establishment of formal self-regulation in business and, in turn, to the crea tion of the NBBB.†BBB's concept has been credited to several court cases, such as United States v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola, initiated by the government against a number of firms, including the Coca-Cola Company, in 1906 after the Pure Food and Drug Act had become law. Samuel Candler Dobbs, sales manager of Coca-Cola and later its president, took up the cause of truth in advertising in the wake of those judgements.In 1909 Dobbs became president of the Associated Advertising Clubs of America, now the American Advertising Federation (AAF), and began to make speeches on the subject. In 1911 he was involved in the adoption of the â€Å"Ten Commandments of Advertising†, one of the first codes of advertising developed by groups of advertising firms and individual businesses.Similar organizations in succeeding decades, such as the National Better Business Commission, Inc. of the Associated Advertising Clubs of the World (1921), and the National Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc. (1933) merged to become the Association of Better Business Bureaus, Inc., in 1946. In 1970 the Council of Better Business Bureaus (CBBB) was established. Better Business Bureau The better business bureau has been able to perform its business operation more efficiently because of its strong financial base. The company has 380,000 business members that range in size from local enterprises to multinational corporations. To be able to serve all this businesses efficiently means that this company is strong financially. Also the company because of its strong financial background runs many other projects like giving donations to needy students in the form of scholarships. Large number of working staff: The better business bureau has many workers.It has people involved in international organizations for the 133 better business bureaus that are located in North America. Because of its large number of employees, it is in a better position of competing with its competitors. Qualified and competent employees: The better business bureau has qualified and competent employees who are capable of dealing with matters of customers and consumers. To be involved in programs li ke Better Business Bureau Auto line and the National advertising division in America means that the company has qualified and competent workers. The company is utilizing modern technology in its operations:The better business bureau company utilizes modern computer programs and internet in ensuring that it offers its services efficiently. Through the use of modern technology the company is able to serve all its 380,000 business members ranging in size from local enterprises to multinational corporations. The company benefits from its good brand name: The better business bureau has been able to create a good image to its customers hence the company benefits from its good brand name. The company covers America and many other parts of the world: The better business bureau enjoys having many customers within America and in other parts of the world.Within North America the better business bureau serves international organizations for 133 better business bureaus. It also serves 380,000 bu siness members ranging in size from local to multinational corporations. They appeal to the needs of the community: The better business bureau has joined new programs like better business bureau auto line, national advertising division. Through this programs the company gives training on how to maintain there own vehicles and on how to improve on their advertisements. The company also gives scholarships to deserving students, this shows that the better business bureau takes care of the community.Weaknesses: 1. Too many competitors 2. The company should improve on its networking, coordination and record keeping Too many competitors The better business bureau has started facing competition from new other companies that also offer similar services. Networking, coordination and record keeping For the better business bureau to continue being a market leader in serving its customers it should improve on its networking. Its workers should coordinate properly and the company should also imp rove its record keeping systems. Opportunities 1.Meeting the needs of corporate business members who want to do business overseas, and fulfilling the needs of the industry and consumers in other countries. 2. Enlarging of their target market. 3. Creating a community of trustworthy businesses 4. Encouraging and supporting best practices within customers and consumers. The better business bureau has a number of opportunities to exploit. Among them are:- Meeting the needs of corporate business members who want to do business overseas. The better business bureau has met the needs of many corporate business members who want to expand their business overseas.This is an opportunity that the company should exploit. Enlarging of their target market. The better business bureau is promoting charity accountability, it is also promoting public trust in advertising, it also offers Better Business Bureu international student Ethic award further still the company can enlarging its target market by serving more organizations. Creating a community of trustworthy business. The main aim of the better business bureau is creating a community of trustworthy business. The company is after encouraging good business practices among its customers and consumers.Threats Maintaining online programs: – it is expensive to maintain a website and this will require a lot of money. The company will need to hire qualified personnel to be regularly maintaining it. †¢ Higher costs: since the cost of oil, food and other necessities has increased the company will get it hard in performing its operations because the cost of leaning businesses will be high. †¢ Reaching all its customers within and overseas and competing favorably with its competitors: the better business bureau faces a major threat of constantly being in contact with its customers and consumers.The company should also ensure that it offers quality services than those of its competitors. External analysis Some external factors that pose opportunities and threats to the organization include demographics factors, economic factors, social-cultural factors, and political-legal and technology factors. Demographics The better business bureau has created a good business atmosphere where many buyers and sellers meet each other. The better business bureau is an international organization for 133 better business bureaus across North America.In North America the company has met the needs of many businesses. The company has 380,000 business members ranging in size from local enterprises to multinational corporations. Therefore the company is serving many business members globally. For the company to serve the 133 better business bureaus and 380,000 business members world wide, it offer a range of quality services. First the company is promoting public trust in advertising. The company promotes public trust in advertising in order to foster truth and accuracy while making its advertisements.The company is also promoting charity accountability. The company uses modern technology by enabling local charities to use their online reporting and evaluation system. Economic: The better business bureau company will be greatly affected by the increasing prices of oil and food. As the prices of the common necessities increase the general and overall performance of its member businesses are also affected. In response to the general increase of prices of commodities the company is offering advice and training on proper business management.The company offers affordable education to its members on how to manage their businesses. Technological The better business bureau is employing new technology that has enabled local charities to be using an online reporting and evaluating system. Through the use of internet the better business bureau has created more awareness about the services it’s offering to its customers. Also through the internet its international organizations for 133 better business b ureaus across North America communicate with ease. Through the internet many interested business can contact the company.Through the internet also the company has been able to achieve more like denouncing substandard market place behavior and by also ensuring that high standards are set and maintained. Through the internet also many customers are able to join the company. Political-legal The better business bureau is a company with an American origin; it’s likely to face challenges in offering its services to countries that are having poor relationships with America. This is a global company that is addressing the needs and requirements of all customers and consumers in the world.It is going to face major challenges in countries like Iran and Iraq that have been having bad relationships with America. The company will also get difficulties in serving its customers found in war torn areas like Zimbabwe, Somalia and other countries in war torn Ares. Since there is no peace in th ese countries, the company will face some challenges when addressing the needs of its customers from these countries. This company is promoting public trust in advertising in order to foster truth and accuracy of all its operations. Social-culturalThis company has earned a very good reputation offer the past. Here in America buyers and sellers have been able to trust each other through the services offered by this company. Many businesses have preferred this company because it denounces substandard behaviors within business setups. This company has also been liked because it encourages and supports best practices. The better business bureau ensures that high standards are set and maintained within business setups. This is a business trait that most business men prefer while running their businesses.Most businesses are performing to the expectations of the better business bureau company. They are following the teaching of the company. Buyers and sellers especially in America and Euro pe have started having trust of each other. These businesses have attained the standards set by the company. This has shown that this company is attaining its main vision of forming an ethical market place where buyers and sellers can trust each other. Hence this company has a good future; it stands a better change of attracting more business members and international organization to join it.Further still some factors in the industry’s environment like customer’s competitors and suppliers also affect the operation of business. Customers The customers of better business bureau have rated the company highly. Due to this the company is enjoying a good reputation. The company offers best and quality services that can not be matched by any other company under this industry. The better business bureau company is seen as a market leader under this industry with a very good image to its customers. The company leads in quality of its services to customers in many aspects.The be tter business bureau has ensured that its business members attain high standards and maintain them. The company offer teachings on how to improve performance in businesses to its 380,000 business member and 133 international organizations that are found in different parts of the world. The customers of the company are proud of its performance since the company is involved in solving a series of cross-border disputes. Customers in countries like Japan, Israel, Taiwan and UK have benefited from this cross-border dispute resolution agreements.The business members to the better business bureau have benefited from its international torch award for market place ethics. This has benefitted them because this system measures how business people treat their customers, competitors and employees. This encourages good and acceptable business traits that benefit the customers of the company. The customers of better business bureau are enjoying its services because by the clicks of a button one is able to access all the information that he needs. Through the internet customers of the company get all the necessary information without travelling their.The company has benefited many groups of People in the community. The company has promoted charity accountability, though the company many donors respond wisely to charity appeals. Some deserving students have been receiving scholarships. This company has greatly assisted many students who could not afford paying for their school fee. The better bureau has been a key advisor to its customers relating to teamwork, respect, trust, excellent and integrity thus making its customers to have great confidence on the company.Competitors Within America this company is facing competition from a few companies. But these companies are not well established. They lack funds so as to compete favorably with the better business bureau. These companies also lack a good business base so as to compete with the better business bureau. They lack enoug h and qualified staff so that they will compete properly with the better business bureau. Suppliers The better business bureau has many employees that are also competent.The company as been able to introduce many programs like better business bureau online, better business military line, better business international torch award for market place ethics because it has a well trained workforce. The company is also introducing other program like the better business bureau auto line, and the national advertising division that are geared towards appealing to the daily needs of its customers. Through the auto line teachings proper vehicle maintenance skills are offered, and also though advertising division the company is promoting good advertisements within the industry.REFERENCES Armstrong G. & Kotler P. (2007). Consumer Markets: Influences on consumer behavior, Principles of Marketing. ICMR Case Studies and Management Resources. (2007). Consumer Behavior. Retrieved January 20, 2008 from http://www. icmrindia. org/courseware/Consumer%20Behavior/CBC03. htlm Kotler, P. (2005) Principles of Marketing. New York. Melbourne Press Schaik J. L. , (2002); The Task of Marketing Management; J. L. van Schaik (Pity) ltd Winer, R. S. (2007). Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.