Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pulmonary Effects Of Smoking Marijuana Dissertation

Pulmonary Effects Of Smoking Marijuana - Dissertation Example Research shows that many users of marijuana often inhale it as extremely hot fumes, usually to peak inspiration, and held as long as possible before being exhaled slowly. According to a study by Forrester et al (2012), this form of smoking has a greater impact on the pulmonary system because it predisposes the lung parenchyma to a greater damage than the smoking of standard tobacco cigarettes. Research concerning the impacts of smoking marijuana has been done in the past and confirmed that the risk of regular smoking of marijuana is similar to those of regular tobacco smoking (Onaivi, 2006). There are many studies on the effects of tobacco on the respiratory system as well as certain diseases have been profiled and linked to tobacco. However, few studies have focused on the effect of marijuana on the pulmonary function. Hii et al (2008) investigated the effects of smoking marijuana upon pulmonary emphysema using a series of 10 patients consisting of ages between 32 and 50, two female and eight male. The participants were those who were presented over a period of 12 months in a respiratory unit showing new respiratory symptoms and those who admitted being regular consumers of marijuana. The participants also exhibited the following symptoms on presentation including dyspnoea, pneumothorax and any kind of chest infection. In this study, high-resolution CT shows variable sized, asymmetrical emphysematous bullae in the mid and upper zones. However, CT revealed normal CXR in four patients and normal functioning of the lung was normal in five patients. This study shows that marijuana smoking predisposes individual smokers to asymmetrical bullous disease mostly in normal CXR setting and function of the lung. The study also revealed that these pathological changes take place at a younger age up to 2o years earlier compared to tobacco smokers (Hii et al, 2008).

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Literature Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Literature Review - Essay Example Illustrations are also given in the article such as how to attract viewers by personalizing the sites with music, pictures and information. As a reader, this article - although it is short and written simply – interests and excites me because of the way the writer expresses his ideas. The tips and examples given are really informative and useful. The second article is also written by Richard Lowe, Jr.; it is entitled â€Å"Web site Design: Who is your audience?†. The article intends to scrutinize the arguments propounded by the writer in defining the group audience expected to view the site. The article is written in an informal style and is a clearly understandable piece of work. The objective of the article is for the new web designers and creators, as well as for the old amateur web designers, to be on familiar terms with their audience. The article is presented with tips and example of the possible procedures. What makes it more interesting is that the explanations and the evidences written in the article are based on the author’s own experience since the author is the Webmaster of the Internet Tips And Secrets. The examples and contents are well developed, organized and structured; the framework is also explained clearly. Therefore, as a reader, the tips are pretty interesting since the discussion concerns the contemporary issues like the quality and attraction and of websites; subjects that are in demand at the moment. â€Å"Don’t lose visitors because of poor site design†, the article written by Tony Murtagih, is the third article I wish to review. The intention of the article is to help people in avoiding common mistakes that novice as well as expert designers make. The clearly stated article and the simple, informal writing is addressed to the entire website designer. The main aspects of the article include how website design influences the visitors to stay browsing within a website. The writer, Tony Murtagih, who has ten years of experience in